Habits – Personal Growth using Habit Trackers and Accountability

A couple weeks ago I shared with you my desire to see change in my life and we talked about some of the “How”, Biblically, for getting there.  We talked about renewing our minds with the truths of God’s Word.  (Romans 12:2 and Philippians 4:8)

"The only way to be different is to begin doing things differently." 

Habits - to see change in you, change what you do | mamasbrush.com

Build your character using habit trackers and accountability.

I mentioned, only briefly, that the only way to be different is to begin doing things differently. That is what I want to talk about today. 


"The only way to change is to change what you do."

Habits - to see change in you, change what you do | mamasbrush.com

Build your character using habit trackers and accountability.

I’ve come to believe the adage that “habits form character”.  If I want to change, and I do, I must create some new habits into my life.  Ultimately, our thoughts come first (that’s why we talked about them already).  Our renewed minds help lead to building the good habits that will lead to good character, and lives changed for the better.  If I want to change, I must change what I do. 

How to make changes

"When you do it without thinking, that's when it's a habit." 

Habits - to see change in you, change what you do | mamasbrush.com

Build your character using habit trackers and accountability.

Habits are a great tool for making changes in your life.  I recommend taking one habit at a time, but since I’m not very good at that, I won’t judge if you have a few you want to work on.  As you begin to build a habit, you have a decision to make each time.  Is your habit brushing your teeth before bed (ahem… like I’m working toward)? Then each evening you are presented with a choice.  Am I going to brush my teeth? Or skip it?  Every night that I decide to brush, I am laying a brick in the foundation of this new habit.  For every brick laid, the next decision is easier to make until you don’t have to think about it at all.  You’ll just do it because it’s what you do.  When you do it without thinking, that’s when it’s a habit. 

Keeping track

I feel like some habits are easier than others, but more often than not, I need some accountability to stay on track.  The first week of January, I was doing great!  I brushed my teeth every night, was self-controlled in my eating and spent time each morning in God’s Word.  As the days have passed though, I’ve missed a day here or there with each of these… and the self-control thing has gone right out the window.  I need accountability!  Having a partner helps.  Reporting in each day about your habit to someone else is a great way to stay on track, but maybe that doesn’t work for you.  Maybe you don’t have anyone you trust.  Maybe you are working on too many things at once and need another way. 

There are so many ideas for habit trackers on Pinterest. You can put one in your bullet journal or create one to print out.

Habits - to see change in you, change what you do | mamasbrush.com

Build your character using habit trackers and accountability.
Single Habit Tracker for February (I’m still working on future months.)

I’ve designed a couple different habit trackers for myself, and I’ve added them to my shop as well for those of you who would be blessed by a little (or a lot, like me) of accountability for your new habits. One is a tracker for one habit at a time. Maybe you are trying to add a bit of exercise each day. Or laundry. Or packing lunch the night before. Or daily time in God’s Word. When you succeed, color in the heart for that day. There is a key at the bottom so you can chose a different shade of each color for different responses. Light pink for “kinda did it” and dark pink or red for “yes! did it with gusto!” You choose!

Habits - to see change in you, change what you do | mamasbrush.com

Build your character using habit trackers and accountability.
Seasonal Monthly Habit trackers – one for each month of the year!

The monthly seasonal habit trackers have room for multiple habits. These are great for keeping track of established habits while you add others, or if you are like me, just start with several at once and see how you do. These have artwork to match each month, and religious and non religious options for the holiday months.

The Why

Habit trackers are great for two reasons (maybe more, let me know in the comments if I missed any!) First, some of us, like my teen daughter, will make a point of doing the new habit so there won’t be any holes in her tracker. She’s very upset when she can’t color something off, so she’s careful to stay on track. For the rest of us, it acts as a tool to see how you are progressing. It helps to show you where you may need to pay more attention, or whether your “occasional going to bed without brushing your teeth” is becoming the norm again. Whether it is accountability or a tool to help you see, habit trackers are one way to help you accomplish your goals!

Wrapping up

Did you start working on a new habit this year? Did you mean to? It’s not too late. Find an accountability partner, create a habit tracker of your own, or pop over to my shop to grab one of mine! Let me know in the comments… what are you working on this year? I’d love to cheer you on!

Habits - to see change in you, change what you do | mamasbrush.com

Build your character using habit trackers and accountability.
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Images sourced from Canva

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Art Journal vs. Bullet Journal

What is the difference between an art journal and a bullet journal? Which one is right for me?

These are great questions! And to be honest, a year ago, I don’t think I could have answered you. As it turns out, they can be as different or as similar as you want them to be. Anything with the word “journal” in it can be tweaked to fit you. There are no hard fast rules. Truly, if there were, who would be coming to make sure you are following them? Your journals, you make the rules!

But, still, what’s the difference?

Art Journal vs. Bullet Journal: What is the difference?

For me, the difference is found in the purpose.

Bullet Journals
The purpose of my bullet journal is organization, record keeping, and memories. I write what I’m reading in the Bible, what I am thankful for and the things and people I am praying for. I make a list of the seeds I’m planting and how many eggs the kids bring in each day from the chicken yard. Using a bullet journal helps me not to have loose papers all over the house.

Art Journals
The purpose of my art journal is to practice my painting and to make a memory. I follow prompts that help push me out of my comfort zone some days and other days I paint something special from that day. For me, there are no rules in my art journal and it doesn’t have to be perfect. It’s just for me.

When they cross over
Sometimes bullet journals and art journals cross over, and that’s okay too. Remember, your journals are whatever you want them to be. Some people only put words in their Bullet Journals, others make them fancy with stickers and washi tape, while others cover them with original drawings or even tape paintings inside. I love seeing form and function married into a beautiful Bullet Journal, but that isn’t for everyone.

In the end, I do a little bit of both. When life is crazy, I do less decorating in my bullet journal and leave my art journal behind altogether. When I’m feeling creative but don’t have an outlet for it, I bring one or the other out and go crazy. 🙂

Bullet journal for kids: Homeschool Assignments Pages

One more idea
We homeschool and I’ve started organizing my older children’s schoolwork bullet journal style. Until recently, I just made columns and filled them in, but in the last week or so, I’ve been trying to make them a little more fun. This week I asked my daughter what she wanted her theme to be and she picked cupcakes. She thinks it’s fun and I got to merge my form and function. 🙂 (Note: I used kid’s markers for these pages and for some of my others. I just tape together two pages so the bleed through doesn’t show.)

Do you have a bullet and or art journal? How do you use them?

Gathering here.