What if they had been silent? (Free Printable)

Easter / Resurrection Bible Verse Sign for Palm Sunday | by mamasbrush

If the people were silent, the rocks would cry out. Luke 19:40

Easter is often a much smaller affair than Christmas. This bothers me, yet, I struggle with how to make it different. Because everyone makes a big deal of Christmas for a whole month, maybe even because Christmas is so commercialized, it is easy to make the time for it… to spend the energy… to get carried away.

Every year I’ve said that I want to make a bigger deal of celebrating Easter… beyond the day. Some years we do more, some years it passes before we know what’s happening.

This year, having Christ centered artwork like this one and this one (shameless plug for my store) to decorate our home has helped me to anticipate the approach of Easter.

lI continue to work to figure out how to celebrate the sacrifice God made for us when He sent His Son to die on the cross for our sins in meaningful, celebratory and deliberate ways. I strive again to make time for it as Holy Week begins.

Easter / Resurrection Bible Verse Sign for Palm Sunday | by mamasbrush

If the people were silent, the rocks would cry out. Luke 19:40

Yesterday was Palm Sunday. Our pastor preached on the triumphal entry and I knew I wanted to spend some more time thinking about and meditating on it. I love Luke 19:40 where Jesus says that if the people were not praising Him, the rocks themselves would cry out in praise! What a great picture that is in my mind. Last night, I designed a sign to help us remember that this week and I wanted to share it with you.

Print it out and frame it or tack it up or put it on the fridge. Let it help you remember to praise Him this week as we remember what He did to save us from our sins! All we have to do is believe that He is who he says He is and that He did what he said He did and follow Him with our lives! I praise Him for that and I believe!

Download the 8×10 Praise Him sign!

Would you share this post so others can have the opportunity to print this sign for themselves? Thanks for helping me get the word out!

Easter / Resurrection Bible Verse Sign for Palm Sunday | by mamasbrush

If the people were silent, the rocks would cry out. Luke 19:40

You can find me gathering here.

Patriotic Summer Time Free Printable

Summer Time BBQs. Grilling for everyday or those large family gatherings. It’s what summer is made for and today I have a fun patriotic free printable for you!

Patriotic Summer Time Free Printable from mamasbrush | grilling, kababs, lemonade, watermelon and other summer time goods!

I started this project last year for a design challenge, but I ran out of time and, when the deadline passed, I tucked the sketch away in a file of unfinished projects. When the Spoonflower Summer Design Contest came up a few weeks ago, I decided to pull it out and finish it. Kababs on the grill with watermelon and lemonade are what summers are made of! Am I right? (Leave a comment with your favorite summer grilling fare!)

Patriotic Summer Time Free Printable from mamasbrush | grilling, kababs, lemonade, watermelon and other summer time goods!

I began by tracing the original sketch and transferring it to watercolor paper. Then I spent a couple nights playing with the color and finished it with the black pen.

When it was time to design the repeating pattern for the fabric design, I scanned it and took it into Photoshop where I cleaned up the background and moved things around a bit to make it work as a repeat.

Patriotic Summer Time Free Printable from mamasbrush | grilling, kababs, lemonade, watermelon and other summer time goods!

But this one… this one is the way I made it for you. Download it, print it off and put it in a frame. Hang it on your wall or set it on the counter and smile when you think of the soon coming life you have outdoors! ๐Ÿ™‚

Head to my printables page to download the Summer Time free printable! Let me know where you put it! ๐Ÿ™‚

But please remember the…
***Official legal stuff: The copyright on the art presented here remains my own. Please only use them personally in your home, office or classroom. But please donโ€™t distribute them online or claim them as your own. If you want to share them on your own blog or social media platform, please be sure to give me credit and include a link back to my blog at: https://mamasbrush.com/. These are my original work and Iโ€™d like to be able to continue sharing what I create with you all.

Pin it Button from mamasbrush
Patriotic Summer Time Free Printable from mamasbrush | grilling, kababs, lemonade, watermelon and other summer time goods!

Gathering here.

Valentine Tags in Watercolor

Valentine Tags

I posted about these tags last year, so there isn’t much to say. I covered the fact that I do indeed know how to spell “delivery”, but something about the phrase “special deLOVery” just makes me smile.

These were a handful of tags I made my first Valentine’s day painting. Just 6 months in. I believe they are inspired by the beautiful works over at Elvie Studio.

I picture them tied to a gift. Maybe a box of chocolate, or bacon roses, or jerkie. Maybe in a care package for a daughter in college, or tucked in a bunch of flowers.

Where would you use them? Here is a printable sheet of them all for you to use. I hope you like them. (Click the link below the image.)

Valentine Tags Printable
Download this 8.5×11 sheet of Valentine Tags here.

I found that they printed better on card stock than on regular paper, but maybe your printer is better than mine. ๐Ÿ™‚

***Official legal stuff: Copyright remains my own. Please only use them personally or in your classroom. Print them and give them as gifts. But please donโ€™t distribute them online or claim them as your own. If you want to share them on your own blog, please be sure to give me credit and include a link back here. Thanks! They are my original work and Iโ€™d like to be able to continue sharing what I create with you all.

Gathering here.