Summer Time Design for Fabric and Gift Wrap

Summer Time Fabric and Gift Wrap | BBQ Grill Outdoor Picnic Fun | mamasbrush

This week the theme at Spoonflower is Small Scale Summer . I came up with this basic design last year, but never took it beyond the sketch. When I saw the theme for this week, I immediately wanted to bring it back out. I transferred it to watercolor paper and got painting.

This would be great on fabric for a summer tote or purse or adorable on gift wrap for any of your summer parties! You can vote for your favorite design through May 7, 2019here.

I have a free printable of the original design coming up for you soon. Click follow in the sidebar so you won’t miss it! 🙂

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Summer Time Fabric and Gift Wrap | BBQ Grill Outdoor Picnic Fun | mamasbrush

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Ice Cream Parlor Birthday Party with Food and Artwork to Match

This one’s late, sorry.

Ice Cream Parlor Birthday Party Theme

Last summer, one of my middle kids really wanted ice cream with his birthday cake. It was a big deal. He had been talking about it for months.

Ice cream with the cake. Got it.

As the months of reminders continued, I decided that an Ice Cream Parlor theme would be perfect for his 8th birthday. Then I had to ask him how important the cake was. 🙂 The theme was a surprise, but when I assured him that his dessert would match the theme, he decided that the cake was optional. The ice cream was not. No problem.

Bacon Cones for Ice Cream Theme Birthday

Somehow there is no pic of the finished result, but we started the day with Scrambled Eggs and muffins in Bacon Cones (though mine didn’t work great, they were still fun) and 4 ingredient chocolate banana “ice cream“.

Balloon Decorations for Ice Cream Birthday Party Theme

I decorated with balloons with and without cones around the walls. (Pinspiration here.)

Ice Cream Parlor Chalkboard for Ice Cream Birthday Theme

And, of course, I decorated my chalkboard (I changed his name in photoshop.)

Tacos in a Cone for Ice Cream Birthday Party Theme

For dinner we had taco cones and ate them out of hand just like an ice cream cone.

Ice Cream Cone Cookie Dessert for Ice Cream Birthday Party Theme

For dessert I made a huge round cookie with a pizza pan and cut it into wedges. I put two scoops (size dependent on the age of the person eating) of ice cream, Reddi-whip, and a cherry on top. It was a hit. And oh-so-good!

Ice Cream Watercolor Illustration Card

I try to paint a little something for the kids on their birthdays in place of a card. They love it. It doesn’t always work out, but this time, I painted a simple ice cream cone and signed it “mommy”. He put it in the clear cover of his school binder so he can see it all the time.

Ice Cream Parlor Birthday Party Theme

Find more ideas for your own Ice Cream Parlor Party on my Ice Cream Party Board on Pinterest. I’m continuing to add more ideas all the time, so click follow while you are there. And, while you are at it, feel free to follow all my boards for other creative inspiration! (Shameless plug.) 🙂

Gathering here.