A Christ-Honoring Approach to the New Year

I mentioned briefly that I much prefer to look ahead to the new year than to look back.  New holds promise.  The Bible tells us that joy comes in the morning and that is just the way I feel looking at the new year.  Anne of Green Gables is noted to have said, “Isn’t it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?”  The new year doesn’t either!  As we stand at the threshold of 2024, it’s a fitting time to reflect on the journey of the past year, letting go of those parts we’ve already sought forgiveness for, and to seek God’s wisdom for the days to come. This moment invites us to pause, acknowledging His presence in our lives, and to consider the path He has laid out for us. 

How can we use this time for His glory?

A woman praying about her new year and the goals and plans she makes for it | mamasbrush

Reflect on God’s Faithfulness

In addition to looking back and letting go of the guilt and shame of our forgiven failures, we also want to consider God’s faithfulness this past year! Remember the answered prayers, unexpected blessings, and moments of growth. By acknowledging His hand in my life, I nestle in closer to the intimate relationship He wants with me.

Pray with Purpose

Take intentional time in prayer, bringing our joys, sorrows, and desires before the Lord. Seek His guidance and wisdom as you review the choices and decisions of the past year. Allow your prayers to be a conversation with God, surrendering your plans and desires to His perfect will.

A woman seeking God's Word about her new year and the goals and plans she makes for it | mamasbrush

Set Christ-Centered Goals

As you consider your goals for the new year, strive to align them with God’s Word. Instead of focusing solely on personal achievements, think about how your goals can contribute to God’s kingdom and reflect His love to those around you.

Instead of “lose 50 pounds”, think, “I will present my body as a living sacrifice” (Romans 12:1) and “practice what God’s Word says about self-control” (2 Peter 1:5-10). Whatever your goals this year, based them on Scripture and ask God to help you!

A woman seeking God's Word about her new year and the goals and plans she makes for it | mamasbrush

Embrace Transformation

Challenge yourself to embrace personal transformation through the power of the Holy Spirit. Identify areas of your life where you can grow. Allow God to shape and mold you into the person He has designed you to be, acknowledging that true fulfillment comes from aligning your life with His purpose.

Some people choose one word to focus on in the new year. I’ve done this, but I’m not very good at keeping with it.  If I were to choose one word for this new year, it would be transformation.  Romans 12:2 says, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind.”  I want God to transform my life for His glory this year, using His Word to renew and transform me.  Let God’s Word renew and transform your own life this year!

Community and Accountability

Recognize the importance of community in your journey. Engage with fellow believers who can offer support, encouragement, and accountability. Share your goals with trusted friends or a mentor, allowing them to walk alongside you as you pursue a Christ-centered life.

In the upcoming year, let your foundation be firmly “rooted and built up in [Jesus]” (Colossians 2:7). As we embark on this new chapter, let us remember the words of Philippians 3:13-14, “Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”

If habit trackers are your thing, I have a couple in my shop.

May your new year be filled with the peace that surpasses all understanding, rooted in a deep relationship with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

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A woman praying over her new year and the goals and plans she makes for it | mamasbrush

Images sourced from Canva

Gathering here.

Good-bye 2018 ~ A New Year’s Sermon Revisited

Update: Find the 2023 version with free printable here.

I’ve posted before about the best New Year’s sermon I’ve ever heard. It was so great, in fact, that a year after I heard it, I was sharing it with you. And now, two years later, I’m back, reflecting on it again.

Only this year I’ve updated it!

Not only is it current, but I made those words at the bottom easier to read (I love incorporating Photoshop into my art process!)

Oh, those words. What a balm to my soul! “Don’t hold on to last year’s guilt and shame. Those sins were nailed to the cross!” Thank you Pastor Jerry for that amazing reminder! And it’s because of that amazing truth that we can look forward with hope and excitement to 2019!

But there’s more!

In celebration of New Year’s and my one year blogiversary on January 2nd, I have a gift for you! I’ve created an 8×10 and a 5×7 version for you to print for yourself!

Now, a warning… I’ve spent the whole evening trying to figure out how to make this work, so if it’s not working… sorry! (And please let me know so I can help.) Until today, I didn’t even know if I could do this from a wordpress.com site. So we’ll see if it works for you as well as it did for me.

1. Click one of the links below
2. Right click the image and select “save image as” from the drop down menu.
3. Save it where you can find it.

Once you’ve done all that, you should be able to print it. Just make sure to select the proper size when printing . 🙂

Click here to “save image as” the 5×7 version.
Click here to “save image as” the 8×10 version. 

Gathering here!

A New Year’s Sermon

Update: Find the 2023 version with free printable here.


Last year, New Year’s Day fell on a Sunday.  The sermon that morning was the best New Year’s messages I’ve ever heard.  Instead of focusing on goals and plans and dreams for the coming year, our pastor talked about saying good-bye to 2016.  Saying good-bye to all the failure and all the sin that we often carry around with us, despite our repentance.  He reminded us that once we’ve asked God to forgive us, those sins and failures were nailed to the cross.  That we shouldn’t be carrying them into the new year.

For Christmas, that year, I received a visual journal (a journal of watercolor paper) and his sermon inspired me with the perfect idea for the opening page.  I put all the previous year’s guilt and shame on the cross where it belongs.  It’s something I need to do every year.  Actually, daily would be even better!

Original artwork done with watercolor and ink on the 140 pound cold pressed watercolor paper of a “visual journal”.

This post was submitted to the link-up at A Wise Woman Build’s Her Home.,