A New Year’s Sermon

Update: Find the 2023 version with free printable here.


Last year, New Year’s Day fell on a Sunday.  The sermon that morning was the best New Year’s messages I’ve ever heard.  Instead of focusing on goals and plans and dreams for the coming year, our pastor talked about saying good-bye to 2016.  Saying good-bye to all the failure and all the sin that we often carry around with us, despite our repentance.  He reminded us that once we’ve asked God to forgive us, those sins and failures were nailed to the cross.  That we shouldn’t be carrying them into the new year.

For Christmas, that year, I received a visual journal (a journal of watercolor paper) and his sermon inspired me with the perfect idea for the opening page.  I put all the previous year’s guilt and shame on the cross where it belongs.  It’s something I need to do every year.  Actually, daily would be even better!

Original artwork done with watercolor and ink on the 140 pound cold pressed watercolor paper of a “visual journal”.

This post was submitted to the link-up at A Wise Woman Build’s Her Home.,

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