Telling Myself No – A lesson in restraint

Restraint and self control are two of my big struggles right now. Though my struggle with them shows itself in several areas of my life, the main one is in the area of eating.

A woman with her arms crossed at the wrist and a face that says, "mmm, no."  Text above says, "Telling myself 'no'"  A challenge in restraint and self-control | mamasbrush

This past November, our pastor preached on this very thing and it caught my attention!

He called restraint a skill and self-control a fruit of the spirit. He reminded us that just because we can do something doesn’t mean we should. (Galatians 5:13) He said we need to tell ourselves NO more often. At least these are the things I heard. (Sometimes the Holy Spirit speaks to us through a sermon in a way unintended by the pastors. I love when He does this!)

A plate of salad beside a pad of paper and pencil.  A cloth tape messure is unraveled around it all.  The words, "Restraint and Self Control: If you Practice these..." is written at the top.  "2 Peter 1:10" is written on the pad of paper. A challenge in restraint and self-control | mamasbrush

I needed to hear all these things, though. If restraint is a skill, that means that it is something that can be learned and grown. This takes work, but is possible! Second Peter 1:10 tells us that if we “practice these things (verse 6 lists self-control as one of the things), you will never fall.” Self-control is listed as a fruit of the Spirit, but this verse tells us we can also practice it to get better! And that we should!

Spiritual Worship

“I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God,
which is your spiritual worship. ”
Romans 12:1

To present my body as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God as my spiritual worship. Sacrifice implies that I’m giving something up. Holy and acceptable to God implies that I’m living the way God would want me to. And it would all be something I’m presenting to God as worship.

Woman holding up her hand toward the viewer. Words above say, "Each time I tell myself no, I'm saying Yes to God." A challenge in restraint and self-control | mamasbrush

Each time I tell myself no, I’m saying YES to God.

Do you need to tell yourself no in some area so that you can say yes to God?

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