Carrots for Spring

Watercolor Carrots for Spring Decorating by mamasbrush
Watercolor carrots by mamasbrush

I’m super excited about these little cuties. I’m not sure I’ve ever called carrots “cute” before, but I love these. I love the color, the shading, the way they are suspended in air. Are they perfect? No. But they are fun. And that’s my only requirement for being happy with something I’ve created. 🙂

(As an aside: I never pursued my love of drawing when I was younger because I always though everything had to be perfect… what a game changer this new way of thinking is!)

I have plans to frame these little carrots and put them on my little shelves with other fun spring things. I love it so much that I want to make a smaller one for my tiered tray. Hopefully I’ll get pics to share with you when I do.

Oh, and a little teaser…

Watercolor Carrots for Spring Decor
Watercolor chickens by mamasbrush

This is something I’ve been working on for spring. I had hoped to have it done before March, but my life has gotten busy of late. I’m thinking printable egg trackers for chicken moms for sure. What would you like? What else could I create with these little guys to share with you my readers? Let me know in the comments and hopefully they will be out later this month!

Gathering here.

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4 thoughts on “Carrots for Spring”

  1. I adore these and am featuring when my party opens tonight. I love your comment about things not needing to be perfect and like you, I felt as a child like if I couldn’t draw it “perfectly” I couldn’t draw. I have a friend with whom I’ve been friends since 7th grade, who can look at anything and draw it perfectly and that just always told my inner self “don’t even try”. So I didn’t for years. But I’ve made my own peace with what I do well and what I like and have fun w/ my art !

    Thanks for sharing and for the reminder.

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